Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Funny little things...

...about Betsy Grace at 22 months that I never want to forget :)

-She loves to tells secrets. You don't even have to whisper words, just speaking softly into her ear and her doing the same, makes her smile ear to ear.

-She is still obsessed with Elmo, although we now also love Big Bird and Ernie and she can say all of their names.

-If there was one place she could choose to be, it would be in the water. She even gets excited about water in the street gutter :)

-She loves to sing and sings ALL DAY careful, she will most likely try to get you to act out Itsy Bitsy Spider.

-She loves to pronounce words that end with an "S" sound...for instance, her grandfather's name is Brun and she has started calling him Bruce because she prefers to say it that way :)

-Anything dirty or untidy she defines with the word "mess", except she pronounces it "MAE-ess"...little southern girl :)

-And speaking of southern, she knows how to properly use her please and thank you's, although she doesn't understand that just because you say please in the cutest way ever, you don't get your way!

-She tells me to SHHHHH but instead of putting her finger over her lips, she sticks her finger up her nose :)

-As she quickly approaches her second birthday, she is told no A LOT and gets mad often. She shows her frustration by grinding her teeth...awful sound and I am sure that she knows how much it irritates us.

-Her favorites phrases to say are "I wash" and "I walk"...she is an awesome duster and wants to be independent and walk everywhere. Good timing because I don't think I could carry 2 babies :)

-She has started saying her name and she calls herself "Bae-bace".

Time is flying too fast and I fear that one day I won't remember these precious little things that seem so big now. Thank you blogger for keeping my memories nice and safe!

1 comment:

  1. Those things are SO cute!!!!!!!! I have so much to look forward to ;))
    The grinding of her teeth trips me out and I love that she sticks her finger in her nose to shush you!
    Love this!
