Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Baby

Betsy Grace was obviously not as amused as I was...had to show off her outfit, never too young for Ugs :)
We had the best time this Christmas!!! Betsy Grace was such a trooper, despite all the places we went, naps we interrupted, etc. She was just my happy little girly and we felt so blessed this Christmas! We got to see all of the grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins...lots of family love! She received lots of toys and loved watching everyone unwrap their presents, she was taking it all in.
Brun is busy telling her all kinds of stories
Christmas morning at Ellie and Brun's...Betsy Grace was loving all the action!
Chatting with Aunt Frannie

Getting sleepy, so relaxed in Grandpa SanSan's arms
Dancing with Papa John, she has started belly laughing and it's hilarious...she was really giggling in this picture :)

Love to all of you and hope you have a happy new year...
2010, here we come!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

5 Months old!!!

They all did pretty well considering the constant camera flashes :)
We could not live without those hands in our mouths!
Loving the camera
Someone is trying to be a matchmaker
Not everyone could come but this was the Christmas gang
Mac did not like the way Robert was "leaning" on Betsy Grace :)
Mommy and bebe, baptism day
Wiggle worm, always on the move
Aunt LouLou and Uncle Ricco
Our family
Carl was awesome and discretely took pictures during the service!
Waiting to go into church
No wonder she is so spoiled!
Snacking on the hands, once again

I can't believe that it has been 5 months since Betsy Grace was born, time really is flying and we are having the time of our lives!!!

December has been super busy and filled with lots of fun!

Betsy Grace was baptized last weekend and it was such a special moment for Mac and I. I was not really sure how she would do in a large crowd but she was perfect! Milly, the minister who carried her down the aisle, said that she stuck her tongue out the entire way...which is really a compliment, she loves her tongue :) We had a luncheon at my mom and Sandy's afterward and it was a wonderful celebration with all of our loved ones.

Then, this past weekend, Mac and I went to Florida for Marshall and Liz's was our first weekend away from little miss and was wonderful but super hard to be away from her. I definitely cried when we left her but my mom was so good about sending pics the entire weekend. The wedding was beautiful, intimate and just lovely, we love you Marsh and Liz!

I mentioned in my last blog that we were awaiting the the arrival of baby Utsey and he was born December 11. His name is Van Tillman Utsey and he is precious, congratulations D and Mel! Now we are waiting on 2 more babies, Baby Murphy and Baby Mattocks...Betsy Grace can't wait to meet you :)

Yes, life is busy and time is flying but we are not taking a second for granted. The sweet stuff is the best...the snuggles, the kisses, the smiles and belly laughs, the way she rubs her eyes when she's sleepy, her sweet breath, the way her eyes twinkle...I could go on and on! It's all so good, God is so good!!!

Betsy Grace's new thing is that she loves to stand, with assistance of course! She is a little wiggle worm, trying to sit up and taking in all of the action around her. We are so thankful to be well for Christmas, hope I am not speaking too soon :)

Hope all of you are able to spend wonderful moments with family and friends this Christmas, we are definitely looking forward to our best Christmas yet!!!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses,

Libby, Mac, Betsy Grace, Vince and Sadie

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting ready to go on a walk, think she'll be warm enough?
Bath time
Sweet little eyes

Mac and I are trying to be really simple this Christmas, in an effort to not spend a lot and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. When I really think about it, my happiness and joy comes from the small things, and one big thing...Miss Betsy Grace. So, as I am still feeling incredibly thankful and blessed after this Thanksgiving Season, I thought I would make a list of all those little things that make our lives so rich!

-my faith in God
-my waterbottle that I always have in my hand
-coffee in the morning, hot chocolate in the afternoon
-pumpkin bread
-Betsy Grace's sweet chubby cheeks
-my mom, who is everything I want to be
-Elise, who loves me like her own
-our playgroup
-a clean house
-Gossie and Gertie, Betsy Grace's fav book characters
-the smell of our Christmas tree
-Clorox Cleanup
-soup, any kind
-cereal in the morning
-Soy Milk, how have I lived this long without it!
-constant inspiration from my amazing friends
-Mary, she is a wonderful friend and teacher
-rubberbands for ponytails
-icecream after dinner
-long runs, listening to the world, no ipod
-all of my friends who have children
-WOW, which I cannot wait to get back to in January
-smiles and giggles from my baby
-Christmas music
-laughing with my husband
-magazines, I don't have time to read a book but a quick flip through a mag is wonderful
-Vince and Sadie, my first babies
-bouncy seat for sleeping when a cold hits
-the memory of Betsy Grace moving in utero
-little giraffe blankets
-the stroller
-Daddy, when he gets home from work, the best part of our day

After thinking about all that I am blessed with I realize that I want nothing and couldn't possibly ask for more!

Speaking of things to be thankful for, Betsy Grace had her 4 month checkup with Dr. Swetenburg last week. Little miss short stuff is now 11 lbs 2 oz, 21 1/2 inches. They are really proud of her growth and progress and were amazed that she is doing so well sleeping through the night. She is babbling up a storm, mimicking the sounds that we make, it's like she is really trying to tell us something. She loves talking to her daddy, it's hilarious!!!
We are trying to get into a good bedtime routine...bath, books, bottle, etc. These moments at the end of the day are so sweet, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
We have a big month ahead...her baptism, her first overnight weekend at her grandparents (Mac and I are going to Florida for a wedding..woohoo!), then there's Christmas and New Years. Hopefully we can stay well and soak up as much time with family and friends as possible! Enjoy these pictures..merry, merry!