Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting ready to go on a walk, think she'll be warm enough?
Bath time
Sweet little eyes

Mac and I are trying to be really simple this Christmas, in an effort to not spend a lot and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. When I really think about it, my happiness and joy comes from the small things, and one big thing...Miss Betsy Grace. So, as I am still feeling incredibly thankful and blessed after this Thanksgiving Season, I thought I would make a list of all those little things that make our lives so rich!

-my faith in God
-my waterbottle that I always have in my hand
-coffee in the morning, hot chocolate in the afternoon
-pumpkin bread
-Betsy Grace's sweet chubby cheeks
-my mom, who is everything I want to be
-Elise, who loves me like her own
-our playgroup
-a clean house
-Gossie and Gertie, Betsy Grace's fav book characters
-the smell of our Christmas tree
-Clorox Cleanup
-soup, any kind
-cereal in the morning
-Soy Milk, how have I lived this long without it!
-constant inspiration from my amazing friends
-Mary, she is a wonderful friend and teacher
-rubberbands for ponytails
-icecream after dinner
-long runs, listening to the world, no ipod
-all of my friends who have children
-WOW, which I cannot wait to get back to in January
-smiles and giggles from my baby
-Christmas music
-laughing with my husband
-magazines, I don't have time to read a book but a quick flip through a mag is wonderful
-Vince and Sadie, my first babies
-bouncy seat for sleeping when a cold hits
-the memory of Betsy Grace moving in utero
-little giraffe blankets
-the stroller
-Daddy, when he gets home from work, the best part of our day

After thinking about all that I am blessed with I realize that I want nothing and couldn't possibly ask for more!

Speaking of things to be thankful for, Betsy Grace had her 4 month checkup with Dr. Swetenburg last week. Little miss short stuff is now 11 lbs 2 oz, 21 1/2 inches. They are really proud of her growth and progress and were amazed that she is doing so well sleeping through the night. She is babbling up a storm, mimicking the sounds that we make, it's like she is really trying to tell us something. She loves talking to her daddy, it's hilarious!!!
We are trying to get into a good bedtime routine...bath, books, bottle, etc. These moments at the end of the day are so sweet, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
We have a big month ahead...her baptism, her first overnight weekend at her grandparents (Mac and I are going to Florida for a wedding..woohoo!), then there's Christmas and New Years. Hopefully we can stay well and soak up as much time with family and friends as possible! Enjoy these pictures..merry, merry!

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