Monday, January 10, 2011

Off with a Bang!

2011 is off to a great baby on the way, everyone is healthy (knock on wood), Betsy Grace is busy as ever, our loved ones that were sick in the fall are getting better, our blessings go on and on! I am a bit more tired than usual and normally run out of steam by the end of the day, so please forgive my lack of posts or the fact that they are sometimes a little short :)

I haven't done a "What Betsy Grace is up to" post in a while, actually I think it's been since she turned 1, so here I go:

-She is walking all over the place and loves her newfound mobility. Her walking was perfectly timed with 24 hour morning you see why I am tired :)
-She is still a great eater but has morphed into a "snacker" like her mama. As long as we keep those snacks healthy, I think we are ok.
-She continues to teeter around 20 lbs and is 26.5 inches long...wonderfully made and perfect!
-She understands EVERYTHING we say but is keeping her words to herself. Her favorites to say are ball, juice, shoes, dog, bath and we are working very hard on please and thank you :)
-She LOVES school and gets so excited when we go past the church, she is so observant...knows when we are 2 blocks away from home, knows mommy's car, knows when we are nearing her grandparents boggles my mind!
-Her favorite activity right now is playing with her babies and her favorite book is "I am a Big Sister". We know that she is too young to really understand but it does have us wondering if she gets what's going on, on her own little level.
-Her favorite night time activity is taking a bath, she starts talking about it at 4 pm and literally will take her clothes off if you turn your back.
-She knows little things like how to blow your nose (her way is not very efficient but she tries) and washing her hands after she makes a mess eating...she is definitely a creature of habit!
-We have gotten into coloring with crayons and we have had to learn some HARD lessons about crayons...they don't go in mouths, they don't color on rugs, they are not to be taken to your room, such a hard life!
-She has started playing her daddy when he tells her no...she tilts her head down, sticks out her lip and starts to wimper and what does he do?!?! Picks her up, of course! She still laughs at me when I tell her no, guess we know who the disciplinarian will be :)
-She sleeps from 7 to 7 and takes a solid 2 hour nap in the my child!!!

The list goes on and on but as you can see, we have a little character on our hands. She lights up our lives, melts our hearts and makes us sooo excited for every new day! And, she is a really GOOD baby...I think I may have it coming to me with #2 :)


1 comment:

  1. What a great post Libb! I have been missing you and BG sooooo much. We need to get together soon and I need some advice on healthy snacks because Van has become VERY picky and is such a snacker. So I'd love to swap ideas there and just sit and catch up with you and see your beautiful face. Love you all.
