Thursday, November 17, 2011

Praise Report in a Tough Week

We got the results back from Betsy Grace's CT Scan and everything was normal, YAY!!! It is such a blessing that we have come this far with no complications but it's just a testament to God's amazing grace and protection! Thank you Lord!
I have to admit that this week has been a tough one! Sweet Betsy Grace handled Monday like a trooper but then I had to take her to the doctor on Wednesday for her flu shot and she lost it, I lost it and Sutton was wondering what in the world was going on :) I think it was just too much, too many doctors, too many pokes, too many reassuring words that were just covering up something scary. I felt so bad for her, it is terrible to see your child in fear! She later told me that she didn't feel good but I just think it was her wanting to have some "mommy time".
And then, little miss Sutton has started teething and while I was not prepared to see any poking through any time soon (BG got her first tooth at 8 months), she is getting her fang teeth first! The one on the right is poking through and the left side is just a huge bulge. Guess she is streaming the infatuation with vampires?!?!?
So both girlies have been pretty fussy and pretty needy and I am tired but I have to say that the highlight of all of our day is when daddy walks through the door at night. He is a breath of fresh air, an new source of energy and a whole new subject to focus on, yay for me! Every single day I gain a greater appreciation for single parents.....I don't know how they do it!

Here's our little vampire...sprouting her teeth

Both girls needed me but I needed to go to the bathroom, so I sat them in front of each other and this is what I came back to...BG reading to Sutton :)

BG laughed at her favorite part and Sutton did too!

Cozy with Daddy :)

So glad it's almost the weekend!!!


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