Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
We went to Ella and Brun's for an early lunch and my dad and Roz joined us. It was a big crowd as always but so wonderful to be with the Tucks, especially Janelle, who this time last year had been in the hospital for almost a month. We are so proud of her and the life that she has made for her and her sweet boys over the last year, post amputation. She is not only back to her beautiful glowing self but she is now doing triathalons and came to the Barksdale's a little late on Thanksgiving because she ran with friends in the Turkey Trot. If that's not inspirational, I don't know what is. She is living and breathing proof that nothing is impossible with God!
Then we came home while the girls napped, I went for an awesome run, the kind where you could keep going forever...I guess all of those carbs at lunch provided great fuel :) Got dressed again and headed to Beece and SanSan's for dinner. Our girls were so good, the whole day, and as you can imagine, Betsy Grace enjoyed every bit of attention that she got from extended family.
I don't think I could actually cover all that I am truly thankful for in a list. Our life is filled with so many blessings and joys, it would be impossible to name them all but there are some at the top of the list.
Here are just a few things that I am thankful for.....
Family that lives in town, especially having my mom so close (less than 2 miles). I really could not imagine living any further away, we see her everyday and she is not only the best mom but the most wonderful grandmother!
Our two sweet girls, who have blessed us more that I ever could fathom. They both have the sweetest nature, little personalities that constantly amaze and their love for each other is abundant.
The health of our entire family. My dad had Melanoma last year and after a couple of procedure, they got it all, praise God. BG's life with achondroplasia continues to be complication free, such a miracle! Our little Sutton Bear, who started her life in the NICU, is healthy,growing strong and seriously about the pass her sister in height. The blessing of health go on and on...
Our incredible friends who are like family. From the oldest friends to the newest, we are surrounded by so much love and support.
The blessing of a warm, safe home and a belly that is satisfied at the end of the day. This time of year brings to light all that are less fortunate and makes me realize all of the things that I tend to take for granted. I watched something on tv the other day about families that are struggling to provide food for their families. The parents go without food, so that there is enough for the children and still at the end of the day, children were saying that they were still hungry. The shocking thing was that these families looked like they could live next door. From the outside, you would never guess their struggles. Their child could be sitting next to mine in school, it was such an eye opener. Makes me remember how important it will be to raise my children knowing and thanking God for our everyday constants!
Like I said, I couldn't begin to list everything, so now I will share pics from our Turkey Day :)
Aunt Lou Lou and Sutton

My amazing grandmother, can you believe that she is 95!

I could just eat that little face up!

The oldest Elizabeth and the youngest Elizabeth

Beece and Sutton
