Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

The Barksdales and the Cowdens journeyed to the pumpkin patch this past weekend and it was a blast! Betsy Grace and Margaret Blount were so excited when we finally got there (a 25 minute drive for a 2 year old can be torture) and there was not one part that they didn't absolutely love. This farm had chickens, goats, horses, buffalo and of course pumpkins but Betsy Grace's favorite by far was the chickens, in fact, we are still talking about them :)

So fascinated...she kept saying "Hey chicken, hey rooster"

I think one got a little nibble at her hand

The Daddies with the babies, Sutton and Elizabeth were troopers!

"OOOOOO...look at the chicken's house!"

We tried our best to get a good pics of the bff's, much to their dismay!

All aboard for a tractor ride

Loved all of the colors on this turkey

Baby Blue Eyes

"I found the one I want"

Riding on the tractor

What a fun day!



  1. Love your photos! Your girls are just precious. Love Sutton's big blue eyes...we're still trying to figure out what color Logan's will be.
