Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sick Day

My day always begins a little before Betsy Grace gets up. I love the morning, it's peaceful and quiet...a perfect time to gather myself before a busy day begins. This Saturday, we had lots of plans, an action packed day that started with going to the Y and ended with Mac and I getting out and having dinner with friends. But the moment that BG woke up, I knew it....SCRATCH...all plans off, it was a Sick Day :(
It was so pitiful, she was lethargic, didn't want to eat and was content just laying on the floor with her entourage of blankets, aka "nae-nae's". I chronicled the day by phone for my mom, who had just returned from St. Barths and was dying to see little miss, but stayed away in fear of catching the bug. Even though I HATE to see my little girl sick, I have to admit that sometimes it's nice to just take away the agenda and enjoy the moments snuggling :)

She ate about 2 bites of breakfast and then took to the floor, where she laid for about 2 hours.

Still pitiful and puny, watching "MoMo". We love us some Elmo!

She didn't eat very well but was such a good girl and took down her juice like a champ!

Finally, we got her to eat. What's for dinner?

And then the day ended with our favorite...a nice long bath!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet girl! Is she better today? What do you think it was?
