Betsy Grace's friend, Jane Larson, turned 1 this past weekend and her birthday party was fabulous! There was a man playing toddler tunes on his guitar and there were tons of instruments for the kiddos to play along.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
9 months!
I can't believe that Betsy Grace is 9 months old, time has flown yet crept at the same sweet time. She is busier than ever, not yet crawling but she finds a way to get around. Between rolling and inching like a worm, she can work it from one side of the room to another.
Here is a photo series of her trying to explore, I caught her mid-act, heading for the door. She thought it was hilarious, feeling those morsels of freedom :)

She is best at going backwards and spinning in circles :)

And back onto the hardwoods...

Caught in the act

Ok, I think I am tired now.

We had a wonderful checkup with Dr. Swetenburg, BG is growing and steadily gaining weight, much to all of our pleasure! Her ears have cleared and we only had one shot, yay! The focus of these next couple of months is eating more, drinking less and the introduction of the sippy cup. We have new growth charts to look at for achondroplasia, which is so nice. We know that her developmental and motor skills might be a little delayed but so far, we haven't seen any evidence. She is a little mighty might, for sure!
She is obsessed with dolls, books and feeding herself (oh, and saying "da da")...we have our hands full but are having a blast!
Monday, April 19, 2010
All about her girls...
Betsy Grace is obsessed with her baby dolls! She greets them with a hug smile and coo, grabs them with open arms and then puts whatever limb she finds first into her mouth. In an effort to imitate herself, she tries to put their hands in their mouths... another love of BG is eating her hands. She doesn't take a paci and doesn't suck her thumb, she prefers the whole hand!
She gets this doll love from her mommy...I think I might have played with dolls until
6th grade, so you know I am having fun!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hoppy Easter!
Sorry for the late post, we have been burdened by ear infections and the tummy bug (twice, both mama and baby). No fun but we pray that we are coming out of it! Life is too fun in this stage to be sick :) We had a wonderful Easter, with a huge crew, and every aspect of the day was beautiful. The reminder of God's amazing gift, our incredible and dynamic family, our precious girl, and the pure joy that we truely is the happiest day of the year...
"blessed" doesn't even cap the iceberg!
Here is our family pic...we had the Barksdales, the Tucks, the Weathersbees, the Prudens,
the Barleys, the Corders, the Murphys, the Hansbergers, the Lewis' and sweet Lil!

The 4 Elizabeths, 4 generations

BG and B Mommy, I think the sweet girl is a little camera shocked :)

The girls :)

After the egg hunt, daddy made sure that BG got her share!

Look at the beautiful bonnet that Aunt LouLou gave her, she loves wearing it :)

Looking up at her Daddy

With Aunt Melissa and Baby Macon, we can't wait until next year when Brian and Haines baby will be here!!!

Hanging with the boys, Jim and Hill. They were so sweet and let BG get a couple of eggs, they were ready to roll and this point but we were making them wait in an effort to get a couple of pics.

Completely pure, so at peace, content and full of love! Perfect in the spirit of Easter!
"Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand."
Romans 5: 1-2
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
Despite the "tude", she loved the easter eggs, as did all the kiddos!

Aerial view, taken by daddy :) All of her buds were there!

This face might just say it all :)

We got a little bit of interaction...

but for the most part, she quietly watched everyone else :)

She will try to eat anything!

The beautiful birthday girl!
Happy Birthday Margaret Blount!

Family Pic

Betsy Grace with Margaret Blount's grandmother

Thursday, April 1, 2010
My little Easter Bunny
This day was incredibly beautiful and was a perfect day to capture BG in her first spring season :) We layed a blanket out under the tree in our front yard and had the best time, the warmth of the sun really soothes the soul!
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