I know, I know...long time, no post...very sorry! Don't have any grand excuse, we are just BUSY and there's not a whole lot of time to sit down and post. These two cute chicks have me running in circles during the day and leave me exhausted at night. But that's ok because we are headed on a fun and relaxing adult vacation in a couple of weeks and we are keeping our eyes on the prize. We are dreaming of sleeping in, long lunches, beautiful California and a couple of spa treatments....all I can say is "ahhhhhhhhhhh".
But back to what we have been up to....
We've had snuggly sick days at home and fun afternoons at the playground. The weather has been more spring-like than winter and you will hear no complaints from us! Sutton is now to the age where she loves the playground too, so it's a win for everyone. The only problem is that I have another child who puts everything in her mouth, and no, Betsy Grace has not outgrown her compulsion to "taste" everything. So, between the 2 of them, I am forever saying "Get the out of your mouth!" Sutton's favorite playground items are mulch and sand...just wish she got that excited about actual food! The meal she gets super excited about is her morning bottle, the rest she could take or leave. My two girls have complete opposite eating habits and digestive systems and I have a feeling that Sutton is going to be my picky eater. But based on her size, there is nothing to worry about, the child does not appear to have missed a meal :)

I forgot how messy feeding a baby is! She spits it everywhere as she blows raspberries and that arms starts swinging in effort to grab the spoon and the food goes flying. Not really sure how much actually makes it in her tummy...
It's no secret that Betsy Grace LOVES her crib and she also is loving her sister's too! This kept them occupied for about 30 minutes :)

Snuggling before bed while mommy gets books :) Don't you love Sutton designer pj's!?!? She is growing so fast that I can't keep up with buying pj's that fit...literally, I will buy her a whole new set of larger sizes one week and she has outgrown them the next. Currently, she and her sissy are wearing the same size!

And another reason for my lack of posts is that I have been training for a half marathon, which I ran yesterday. The weather was absolutely perfect and I beat my time goal, so the day was a success but I am very glad it's over. I love to run but the training was time consuming....think I prefer "wanting" to run, rather than "having" to run.
My friend Kimberly and I post-race....ummm, how on earth does she look this good?!?!
I kinda talked Kimberly into running this with me and I think each week of training she has cursed me just a little. But she did SO awesome and her sweet hubby and kids who met her at the finish line were BEAMING with pride!!!

Mac and I started out together but he's just a tad faster than I am (haha!) , so we parted ways about a mile in. He ran the race in 1 hr and 34 min and I ran it in 1 hr and 53 min. I wanted to beat 1 hr and 55 min, so mission accomplished!

I am living proof that moms of young children preform their best in a state of exhaustion. The night before the race, Sutton was up EVERY hour (severe tummy issues). When my alarm went off at 5 am, a part of me just wanted to ditch the race but I got up and put my game face on. My sweet dad had volunteered to come and keep the girls and on his way to my house, at 6:45 in the morning, he got a speeding ticket! I felt SO BAD!!! But in the end, we ran a good race, the girls had a blast with Poppy and Rozzie, everyone took great naps and Carolina won :) Awesome Saturday!