Today, Sunday December 11th, was a very special day for our family...our sweet Sutton Bear was baptized and just like Betsy Grace's baptism day, I will never forget it. We chose our 8:45 service because it was enabled us to do a nice family brunch afterwards and no one had to sacrifice a nap, so key! The only downside to the day was that my morning started extremely early, as I had to get myself showered and dressed before the girls woke but despite the chaos and hurrying around, we made it to the church by 8:20. Mac is always punctual and finds it rude to arrive late, but me...not so much and it kills him :) I view my minor tardiness as just being the more laid back one in our relationship. It is never intentional but I am realistic and know that severe schedules always lead to disappointment when you have babies. All this to say that Sunday mornings are always a little tense for Mac because we are never running on time. So I think I totally shocked him when everyone was ready and out the door, just as planned.
Both girls woke up in great moods, Sutton was all smiles.
I think she knew it was her special day :)

Hands FULL

Her gown is a family heirloom and has been worn by many generations. BG wore it this exact same Sunday, 2 years ago. We dressed her at the church because she is still a spit up queen :)
All dressed and ready to rock 'n roll!

I have to brag on my girls, they were both so well behaved. Sutton sat through the entire service and did not peep, I couldn't believe it! And Betsy Grace was so good as we stood up front. Most of our family was in the front 3 rows, so she had a blast pointing, waving and saying hi to them all. No stage fright for this one!

So excited to be in big church and see all of her cousins!

Laying on the altar, so full of herself and Sutton being a trooper.

Happy day!
so blessed by our sweet girls...

and our wonderful family!

Taking it all in :)

Proud daddy and his baby love.

Then we all of our family gathered at Beece and SanSan's for brunch to celebrate the occasion. The weather was cold but gorgeous, perfect day for a party. And what's a party without a cake from Aunt Haines?!?!? YUMMMM

Blue eyed cousins, Sutton and Lauren

We are a little weary tonight but Mac and I have had the best time reflecting on the day. We stood in front of family and friends this morning and made a commitment to raise our precious daughter in God's light. We promised to love her, support her and surround her in faith but most importantly, we promised to teach teach her about Jesus and the amazing love, grace and mercy that God shows us as believers. Not only do I need to constantly nurture my own personal relationship with God but I need encourage and support my children's relationship with him, as well. As parents, the greatest gift we can give them is a strong, unyielding, never changing and solid foundation in's a pure and beautiful gift that will never tire.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your strength.
These commandments that I give you today
are to be upon your hearts.
Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up.
Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Write them on the doorframes of your house and on your gates."
Deuteronomy 6: 5-9