Sunday, November 13, 2011

Calm and quiet weekend before a big Monday

It has been one of those great Fall weekends...lots of family togetherness, lazy mornings filled with snuggling, gorgeous weather that makes you wish it didn't get dark so early and 2 silly little girls that keep us in stitches! We have tried to keep things calm and lowkey around here for Betsy Grace (not so much for Mac and I who were out and about and stayed up late 2 nights in a row, definitely feeling it today...gosh, that makes me sound old!) because tomorrow she has to go under anesthesia for a CT Scan. If Betsy Grace even has so much as a cold or cough, they will cancel the scan, so we have tried to keep to ourselves this weekend.
We have these each year to check for compression (where her spine enters her skull at the base of her neck). People with achondroplasia commonly suffer from compression of the spine due to their overall small size in anatomy but thankfully, we have never had this complication. However, this could change as she grows, so it's best to stay on top of it. She has never had to have general anesthesia during the scan but this time they are taking pictures of multiple positions and the nurse who called for pre-registration said that the procedure would take an hour. Not to mention that she is now a year older, so much more aware and honestly, will be so scared, so I know that it is necessary. Our only experience with her going under was when she had tubes put in and adenoids removed and the memory is one I would like to forget. She woke up unexpectedly as they were rolling her out of the OR, she freaked and threw such a fit that they called me back immediately to try to restrain and calm her. My efforts were not effective and after 45 minutes of singing, rocking and holding her tight, they gave her morphine, which worked to give her the rest that she needed but took about 3 days to get out of her system. So, as you can imagine, I am not really looking forward to tomorrow and will be so glad to have this over and done with! My mom is keeping Sutton and Mac is going with us, so hopefully having mommy and daddy's undivided attention will provide comfort :) Please pray for our sweet girl tomorrow, her procedure is at 9:00 am.

Lots of time spent around the house and lots of silly moments. Today BG has decided that she is ready for summer and insisted on putting on her bathing suit, even if it was on top of her clothes. And yes, she played like this ALL morning....silly, silly girlie!

She can do no wrong in the eyes of her little sister! Sutton thinks Betsy Grace is hilarious and the way that she watches every single move her big sis makes is so cute. And as you can imagine, BG is delighted to have the attention.


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