Friday, November 4, 2011

4 months old

Sutton turned 4 months on Tuesday!!!
4 months might not seem like much to celebrate but for me it is! I vividly remember from when Betsy Grace was a baby that once she hit 4 months, things became so much fun and a ton easier. All throughout my pregnancy with Sutton, I kept thinking to myself "if I can just get to 4 months, we will be golden" and now, we are finally at the mark. Don't get me wrong, there is something so pure and beautiful about a newborn but there are also a lot unknowns, sleepless nights and fussy hours that make you so thankful when you are beyond it :)
Sutton is so sweet, so good and such a wonderful blessing to our family, it seems so hard to believe that this time last year, I had no clue that I was even pregnant with her! Her newest thing is belly laughing and it is hilarious! She charmed Dr. Swetenburg the other day by not just smiling but full out laughing as he talked to her...gotta love it when your child show off for the pediatrician! She is 25 inches long and weighs 13 lbs, 15 oz...60th percentile for height and 40th for weight. Mac and I joke that she must have gotten the tall genes from my dad's side of the family because height is not in surplus on anyone else's side :) She is eating 5 bottles a day and is sleeping 7:30-7:30! We are not on a nap schedule but maybe that will come over the next month, although it's nice with big sis's busy life that we can just pick up and go and she can sleep where ever. She loves her playmat and the bumbo and prefers to be placed in the center of the room, where she can watch everyone come and go. She is the most content in a room with noise, calmest while in the presence of her big sister, even if it means abruptly waking up due to the noise of a crashing toy. She is still the spit up queen and even though we have made multiple feeding changes and are taking Zantac, I am convinced that only time with take care of the issue. She is never fussy because of her acid reflux, it's just a chore to make 5 outfit changes per day :) She is a love bug for sure and I thank God everyday that he entrusted us with these 2 amazing children!

Happy Girl!


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