Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What were we worried about?!?!

2 years ago, soon after BG's 6 month checkup, her achondroplasia was discovered. I remember the emotions, the fear of the unknown, the overwhelming love I felt for my baby, how Mac and I clung to each other, our family, our friends and our faith for support. There were more times than not where I lacked confidence in our "new normal" but look where we are now! Mac and I laugh often about how we worried for nothing. Betsy Grace is an amazing little girl who embodies all that we have prayed for and more. I know that we will have our share of challenges with her dwarfism, especially as she gets older but I also know that God equipped her with a wonderful self confidence, a spunky personality and a huge heart that will see her through the rough spots. And then above all, God blessed her with a sister. A best friend for life that will love her, protect her and bring her joy that no one else can. They have only know each other for 6 months, but the love between Betsy Grace and Sutton is deep and it warms my heart beyond belief to watch them together. Having a sister myself, I feel so blessed that my girls have this incredible bond :)
And just in case you haven't seen BG's personality first hand, just take a look at this pic.....yeah....this is another bra (hope you are enjoying getting a peek at my undergarmets!)
2 1/2 going on 13 and she's even got that teenager facial expression and stance :)


1 comment:

  1. Haha! That picture is too funny!! I can oh so relate! I love that Cole has two brothers and I hope it's them against the world!!
