Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sutton's First Week Home

It has only been 2 weeks since Sutton came into this world but it feels like soooo long ago. I guess it's that so much has happened/changed and life just seems to be whizzing by but I am longing for time to stand still...just for a little while. The memories of Betsy Grace's first 3 months are so blurry and I don't want it to be the same this time. It's probably inevitable with the lost hours of sleep and an almost 2 year old who runs around all day like a tornado, so that is where I will rely on pictures and my blog.

We had a big week with lots of visitors and Miss Sutton was just as laid back and easy going as it gets. I apologize to those of you who came to visit and I didn't take a picture, please don't be offended, my mommy brain is to blame :)

For a child who is still not supposed to be here yet, she is very alert and aware. Even though she does spent most of her hours sleeping, we get a lot of wide eyed time. Betsy Grace loves when her eyes are open! We went to see Dr. Swetenburg on Tuesday for a weight check and this little muffin had gained 1/2 a pound in 4 days!!! She was one ounce shy of 6 pounds!

Aunt LouLou loves her nieces and we love our Aunt LouLou!!!

B and SanSan lovin' on Sutton

Poppy came to visit and brought Portofino's for dinner...yummmm

And then Sutton got to meet her great-grandmother

She was wide awake for their visit :)

Sweet Brooke came to visit too!

There were a lot more of you who stopped by and we loved our visits with each of you, sorry again for not capturing it in a picture!

Big Sister is obsessed with having Sutton sit in her lap! She is still so in love with her but is having a little trouble with the concept of sharing her mommy, so we are working on that. I am trying to do something with her each day, just the 2 of us, even if it's just for 30 minutes. I know it will get better in time but this part is hard...way harder than my easy, breezy newborn!

If Sutton is so sweet, she must taste good too, right?!?!

Very proud big sister!

Checking to see if her eyes are open and is delighted because they are :)

Next Saturday is another big day in our household, it's Betsy Grace's birthday!!! I can't believe that she will be 2 but know that we will have a blast celebrating!


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