I honestly cannot believe that it has been a whole year but when I think back to the moment we met Betsy Grace, I realize, we have come SO far! From 4 lbs 7 oz, our little miss is now 17 lbs 9 oz and as Dr. Swetenburg said at our year appointment, "Our girl isn't going to blow away anytime soon" :) From not even eating 1 ounce at her feedings, which were every 1 1/2 to 2 hours apart, she is now done with bottles and feeding herself, she has not met a food that she doesn't like.
She amazes us everyday with new little tricks and her skill sets are developing rapidly. She loves puzzles and matching shapes with their correct holes. She is very focused and detail oriented...she will try and try until she figures her toys out. She is also very independent, no help from mommy or daddy is wanted :)
She is obsessed with books, which melts my heart. Not only does she like to be read to but she loves to explore them on her own. For now we are sticking to board books, those paper pages are just too much fun to tear :)
She is still taking a morning nap but some days we go without which makes me think that we will be down to one in the next month. Betsy Grace is going to school in September, 2 days a week, so we have to be done with morning naps anyway.
She still LOVES to be outside and we were so thankful for a beautifully cool weekend, these summer days have just been too hot. Her favorite thing is her new car. We cruise up and down the street, her hands are strictly kept at 10 and 2 but are occasionally lifted to give a wave to cars, bushes, birds, neighbors, etc. Her little personality tickles me so!
She has grown a strong attachment to her "blankies"...not one, not two but three of them. I had one growing up, so I know how special they are.
All and all, we are loving every day of this life that God has given us and we are so excited to see what year two brings!